Root Canal Roseville

Root Canal Therapy in Roseville

An endodontic treatment is more commonly known as a root canal treatment. This treatment is utilized to repair and save a severely injured or infected tooth. Root canals consist of removing any rotten parts of the tooth (the pulp). Then our Dental Specialist in Roseville can properly disinfect, clean, fill and seal the infected portion of the tooth. Ignoring any damage to the tooth can result in serious consequences.

Neglecting to follow your dentist’s recommendations to proceed with an endodontic treatment can lead to severe pulp damage. Pulp damage can develop into deep cavities, a cracked tooth, and/or tooth trauma. Resolving these issues could require repeated dental procedures that are avoidable if treatment is sought out sooner rather than later.

The Signs You Need an Endodontic Treatment

At Dental Specialist of Roseville, we suggest considering the following symptoms to help you determine if you should call in for an endodontic treatment. However, sometimes there are few individuals who experience symptom-less root canal damage. Regular visit to the dentist can help determine the need for treatment at the first sign of damage. General signs you need a root canal include: 

  • Signs of a Toothache: Severe pain experienced while chewing or while applying any kind of bite-force on affected tooth
  • Persistent sensitivity to hot or cold beverages
  • Affected tooth losing it’s healthy shade of color, paired with potential swelling and soreness in adjacent gums
  • A repeated pimple or small cyst on gums

What To Expect During a Root Canal?

Roseville Dental Specialist. Upon a thorough examination of your teeth and gums; the dentist can determine if you are in need of a root canal. We also educate patients on proper methods to assist with managing proper oral hygiene. Initially, our Roseville Dental Specialist has an X-ray taken of your mouth in order to determine the severity of damage to the tooth’s root canals. X-rays also assist in detecting any potential infection in adjacent bones. Root canals typically are not painful due to the use of local anesthesia to numb the affected areas adjacent to the infected tooth. 

  • Roseville Dental Specialist will then prevent saliva access to the affected part of the gum line with the use of cotton or a rubber dam.
  • Next, drilling can be performed to create a hole into the affected tooth. Following, the dentist will remove any infected dental pulp from the tooth. Any decayed tooth nerves, debris, or infection will be completely removed. After the infected tissue has been extracted, the dentist can then disinfect the tooth. Root canal files are then applied to clean the undesired parts of the tooth and to gently “scrub” the flanks of the root canals. A sodium hypochlorite solution is then used to flush away any lingering remains.
  • After the tooth is thoroughly cleaned, it is then properly sealed.

Post-Treatment Care

A strong oral hygiene cleaning routine each morning and night helps ensure the restored tooth last for many years. Dental Specialist of Roseville use the latest techniques and technology to perform the endodontic procedure resulting in a high success rate. Below, our  shares tips to taking proper care of your teeth after a root canal: 
  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft bristle toothbrush.
  • Floss teeth at least once a day. This simple care saves you from acquiring lots of dental conditions including giving a due strength to a performed root canal procedure.
  • Avoid eating foods that require a hard bite. Hard bites may cause fragile teeth to break, and may even harm a recovering root canal.
Visit the dentist regularly: It is recommended you see the dentist for a routine checkup at least twice a year. Professional routine dental cleanings should also be maintained once every six months. Routine visits also can assist you with early detection of any head and neck related condition as well.  If you are experiencing severe toothaches, sensitivity or pain to one or more teeth, contact Dental Specialists immediately and schedule a consultation. Simply call us at (916) 945-9901.

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